The Virtue of Persistent Prayer in Daily Life

How to Cultivate Persistence in Your Prayer Life By Compass Christian Church In his concluding message, “Don’t Give Up,” Pastor Brian emphasized the importance of persistence in prayer. When we cultivate persistent prayer in our lives, we can reap amazing benefits. Let’s review the main points of his message.  Persistent Praying Provides Peace In Philippians […]

Prayer Walks: Spiritual Renewal on the Move

Take a Hike: The Power of a Prayer Walk By Allan Swinson Introduction Human beings are typically creatures of habit. Many of our habits are conditioned by our culture, and they’re not always the best habits. Did you know the average American spends almost three hours a day watching TV, over four hours a day […]

Persisting in Prayer: Understanding God’s Timing

Father Knows Best: Why We Should Persist in Prayer By Compass Christian Church Have you ever felt that when you pray, God wasn’t really listening? Or have you ever wondered why God sometimes takes so long to answer your prayers? In Pastor Brian’s final message of the “Teach Us to Pray” series, he reminded us […]

The Impact of Community Prayer

The Impact of Community Prayer By Kyle Brown When we’re little, we’re reminded regularly to use our “inside voices” when we’re inside. There’s something about being in close proximity with other kids that amplifies and intensifies the sound far faster and far more powerfully than what our adult ears would want. Adults experience this too. […]

The Power of Tracking Answered Prayers

The Power of Tracking Answered Prayers By Allan Swinson  Introduction Have you ever forgotten something really important and thought, “I should have written that down!” When it comes to prayer, especially praying about the really important things in our lives, keeping a record of our prayers – and God’s answers – is a great spiritual […]

Affirming Your Identity in Christ Through Prayer

Praying Your Identity in Christ By Allan Swinson Introduction Have you ever been told something that made you feel less than? Maybe someone made you feel like you weren’t smart enough, or fast enough, or gifted enough, or fill-in-the-blank enough. Hurtful words like those can have a dramatic effect on how we see ourselves.  Who […]

Praying for the Next Generation

Praying for the Next Generation By Kevin Larter Today is the last installment of Next Gen Thursdays – each Thursday during this series, we have been focusing on praying for and with the Next Generation.  As a youth pastor, I want to turn your attention to a generation of teenagers and ask you to lift […]

Practical Steps to Overcome Barriers in Prayer

Practical Steps to Overcome Barriers in Prayer By Compass Christian Church Introduction Brian Jobe’s recent sermon on “Boundaries & Barriers” got us pondering: it’s one thing to recognize the barriers in prayer, but how do we actually overcome them? Today, we’ll explore practical steps to overcome barriers in prayer.  The Transformative Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness […]

How to Use Scripture to Enhance Your Prayer Life

How to Use Scripture to Enhance Your Prayer Life By Allan Swinson Introduction Money. Family. Health. Friends. Work. War. The Lost. Let’s face it, there is no shortage of things we can pray for. But sometimes, do you ever find yourself thinking, “I don’t know what to pray for!” It has happened to all of […]

Understanding God’s Four Answers to Prayer

Understanding God’s Four Answers to Prayer By Compass Christian Church Introduction Have you ever prayed a prayer that went unanswered, or took a lot longer to get answered than you would have liked? The truth is, God always answers prayer… it just might not be in the way we expected. In his sermon on Sunday, Pastor […]