You’ve already been introduced to so many biblical characters in the past few weeks. Most of us think of characters in the Bible as either heroes or villains, sinners or saints, good or bad. At least that’s how Bible stories are presented to children. But in this video, we’ll explore the ways biblical authors present characters as more complex and morally compromised than we usually imagine.
Today, we are reading from Genesis 43-45 as we continue the story of Joseph and the revealing of his identity to his brothers. This story shows that a reliance on God can lead to forgiveness and reconciliation of relationships, and dependence and faith in Him will lead us to a place of victory.
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Since we are talking about Characters today, I put myself in the shoes of the characters to think about what they are thinking and feeling.
Was Jacob just afraid? He was so concerned with the life of Benjamin and the lack of food for his family, that he almost turned in his other sons when he found out that Joseph demanded to see Benjamin.
Were the other brothers jealous and resentful of Benjamin because their father loved him so much? Or did they feel guilt over what they did to Joseph and understand?
Was Joseph still mad at his brothers and so he decided to mess with them and accuse them of stealing? It was seeing his brother Benjamin so important to him that he thought manipulation was the only way to get to him?
I can see myself in all of these people, and I’m grateful God still uses and loves me even in my sin!