Today you are scheduled to complete the first half of the book of Exodus, which follows the story of Moses leading Israel out of Egypt. It is the first place the words “redemption” and “salvation” are used in the Bible. Review how this epic story fits into the entire biblical narrative with this overview video.
Bible Summary
Today, our reading comes from Exodus 16-18 as we see the Israelites adjusting to the realities of the wilderness, and both food and water coming from an unusual source. This reading reminds of of God’s constant provision in our lives.
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2 Responses
The biggest thing that stands out to me in today’s reading is God‘s provision. He met all of the Israelites needs when they couldn’t meet them themselves. It reminds me to be continually thankful for all that God has provided to me.
Along with God’s provision, I found it interesting how relationships and community played a part in today’s reading. Moses needed other people in order to lead well. He needed Aaron and Hur to support him & hold up his arms when the Israelites were in battle. Moses needed trustworthy men to help mitigate the issues of the people. I like how these chapters point to our need for community and how God has created us to do life in community. We are not suppose to bear our burdens all alone.